The Magic Forest Playscape is open!

Open every day from dawn to dusk

Imagine an outdoor playscape designed with elements from nature creating a whimsical trail that leads through the woods.   Part obstacle course, part path of exploration, our new natural playscape has elements that challenge balance and strength and elements that encourage rest and reflection.   

Work on the Playscape began in the summer of 2020, and after a winter break, work has started anew. Cedar planks are being installed on the main deck of the cabin, and the roof framing will soon be visible. New stairs are being constructed for the high path, and a recently constructed small suspension bridge and balance beam have been thoroughly tested by the local elementary school kids.

Our newest staff member, Nikolas Katrick, led the design process, joined by Senior Educator Jay DeGregorio and board members Rick Cowan and Paul Spector to bring their energy, enthusiasm, and superb building skills to the project.  Together they have moved stones and logs, built a cabin, installed a water pump, built bridges, and so much more.

The photos below show students from the Grafton Elementary School joining us in a special visit to test the elements, give feedback, and help us make our new playscape the best it can be — thank you for helping us develop this interactive outdoor experience at The Nature Museum!